We are proud to announce that our company with its flagship product ViziWealth is a finalist at the Innovative Company of the Year 2022 Contest. The awarding ceremony is part of the 18th National Innovation Forum organized by the Applied Research and Communications Fund. It is endorsed by the European Commission, the Enterprise Europe Network, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and others.

The event takes place every year since 2004 under the aegis of the Bulgarian President. It is a unique forum that brings together people from business, academia, and government. At the center of discussions are innovations and ways to encourage the innovative environment in the country and the region.

About the contest

The prestigious Innovative Company of the Year attracted more than 100 applications this year. A jury of 20 experts from universities, domain and financing organisations, state institutions, as well as journalists had the hard task to decide which of those would be designated with the Excellence of Innovation 2022 recognition. ViziWealth and the company behind it – Digamont, is one of the 24 finalists. As part of the selection process, members of the organizing team interviewed our co-founders to find out more about the problem we are solving, as well as how we want to address it. We shared our vision of helping individuals and families improve their financial literacy, align on long-term life plans, and achieve what they dream about. We believe that bringing individual financial wellbeing to a higher level brings benefits to the entire society. This is what motivates us to work on ViziWealth.
The Excellence of Innovation 2022 designation is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the ViziWealth team. We are committed to continuing to create modern solutions that will help people take smarter decisions about their money and achieve their financial goals.